Yes, I am BACK!!! With the holidays & everything that was going on, I was so not ready to start my journey to a thinner me. But now the holidays are over. Life is less chaotic. And it's time to get back on track & get this journey started!!!
Today I went to the grocery store and found that Lean Cuisines were on sale for a really great price! So I thought to myself that I am so ready to do this now and I bought a bunch. Tonite, the kids and I are going to have our most favorite comfort food for dinner. And then tomorrow it's time to start the journey. I really am ready to do this. And I am feeling excited about it! I just realized too that tomorrow is the February 1st. That's great! What a perfect day to start!
So here's the plan ... I will eat Cheerios or shredded wheat for breakfast. With all the many flavors that are available now, it will be nice to have a variety. And then a Lean Cuisine for lunch. And I will also walk on the treadmill everyday. I know that sounds like a lot. But I figure, I don't have to start out walking 5 miles on the treadmill everyday. I will start out slow & work my way up to more. I don't want to burn myself out. Even if it's just a half a mile everyday, it's better than nothing at all. I used to have all of the original Tae-Bo tapes. But unfortunately, I lent them out & never got them back. I really liked those tapes too. I know that there are others that have come out since then. And I will probably give those a shot. But I do really wish that I had the orginals again. I wonder, does anybody know where I might be able to find those?
Well so here we go!!! A new adventure starts tomorrow!!!
Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥