Monday, February 2, 2009

Two Days & No Caffeine ...

Well it's nearing the end of day #2 without any soda or monster energy drink or caffeine of any kind. The headache started to slowly creep in late last nite. But today it is full blown throbbing & HURTS! Not to mention my body just feeling completely drained from having absolutely no caffeine. I have been so tired.

I am truly having a weak moment right now & am SOOOOOOOOO tempted to have just a little bit of pepsi just to make the headache go away. But so far I am being really good. A friend suggested that I drink some coffee to not drink the soda & get the caffeine. But I never have acquired the taste for coffee unless it's in a starbucks frappacino. And in that case it would kind of defeat the purpose of not drinking the soda since frappacinos probably have just as much sugar & calories as a soda has.

So as of this moment I am feeling weak. My husband says that I have been doing really good so I should be ok with having a small amount of pepsi. He is just trying to help me bcuz he knows that the headache is really getting to me. I just hope the headache goes away soon.

No soda so far!

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Sunday, February 1, 2009

First Day!

Ok well today I have had no soda and had no Monster (energy drink) which is really good for me since I am such a pepsiholic. My husband wanted to go to IHOP for breakfast. So I feel like I cheated already in the food area. I had 2 eggs, 2 sausage, & 2 pancakes, and a glass of milk. But that is all that I have eaten today. And for dinner I will have a Lean Cuisine. And that will be it. I know it's going to be hard to adjust to lowering my food intake like that. But I will get used to it I am sure. I did weigh myself this morning. And even tho I didn't like the number I saw, I know it will go down. I mean that's why I'm doing all of this right?

I'm kind of glad that we didn't go anywhere to watch the SuperBowl. It makes it easier to not give in to temptation with all of those yummy SuperBowl type foods. But at the same time it would have been nice to go to a SuperBowl party.

I have done some walking today also. We walked all around the store called Circuit City checking out the sales since they are closing. And then when I came home I did some walking. My husband bought me this "game" for my Nintendo DS called My Weight Loss Coach. It's kind of cool. It gives challenges & comes with a pedometer & helps you keep track of progress & everything. So we'll see how it goes.

Well, I'm off to finish watching the SuperBowl!

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ready to Get Back on Track!!!


Yes, I am BACK!!! With the holidays & everything that was going on, I was so not ready to start my journey to a thinner me. But now the holidays are over. Life is less chaotic. And it's time to get back on track & get this journey started!!!

Today I went to the grocery store and found that Lean Cuisines were on sale for a really great price! So I thought to myself that I am so ready to do this now and I bought a bunch. Tonite, the kids and I are going to have our most favorite comfort food for dinner. And then tomorrow it's time to start the journey. I really am ready to do this. And I am feeling excited about it! I just realized too that tomorrow is the February 1st. That's great! What a perfect day to start!

So here's the plan ... I will eat Cheerios or shredded wheat for breakfast. With all the many flavors that are available now, it will be nice to have a variety. And then a Lean Cuisine for lunch. And I will also walk on the treadmill everyday. I know that sounds like a lot. But I figure, I don't have to start out walking 5 miles on the treadmill everyday. I will start out slow & work my way up to more. I don't want to burn myself out. Even if it's just a half a mile everyday, it's better than nothing at all. I used to have all of the original Tae-Bo tapes. But unfortunately, I lent them out & never got them back. I really liked those tapes too. I know that there are others that have come out since then. And I will probably give those a shot. But I do really wish that I had the orginals again. I wonder, does anybody know where I might be able to find those?

Well so here we go!!! A new adventure starts tomorrow!!!

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ugh ...

Sorry for missing my update day on Sunday. Not quite used to doing this just yet. Anyways, well nothing good to report I'm afraid. I weighed in this morning. And sadly I didn't lose anything. In fact, I gained 1.2 lbs. So not happy about it. I haven't had much chance to use my treadmill as much as I probably should be. My son has been quite the handful this past week & a half. And it has been so cold outside (well cold for here) that he also isn't playing outside. So I'm hoping my next report will have at least a little bit better news. Happy positive thoughts, right?! :~)

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Monday, December 1, 2008

Treadmill Activity Thus Far ...

OK ~ so I have a treadmill ... when I first got my treadmill, the day after I used it ~ it works GREAT!!! I walked for .60 miles & built my way up from 1.5mph to 2.5mph. Well today I walked on my treadmill & I walked a total of .75 miles at a constant 2.5mph! So I'm getting better! I know that it will take some time to build up my endurance. But I am really liking how I feel after I get off of the treadmill!!!

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Beginning ...

Ok, so I've weighed in. And have started a journal to keep track of how I'm doing! Although nothing to report as of yet, I will post at least weekly on my progress!!!

I haven't had a chance this week with all the thanksgiving stuff & such to walk on my treadmill. But am planning on "going for a walk" later today!

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

Saturday, November 29, 2008

First Step ... Take 2

Sorry about that ~ I had no idea the color that I chose to type in would be so hard to read ~ & with this template I have, there is no edit optoin ~ so I am reposting this entry in a different color.

Hello ~

After having conversations with friends & also viewing friends blogs about this same thing, I have decided that this will be a great tool in my journey to lose weight. I am hoping to be very successful during this journey. I will try to post at least once a week.

Recently, I purchased a treadmill at a yard sale. It is practically brand now. And after doing some research, I found that retail price for this treadmill is $600! And at the yard sale, I paid only $60!!! A great deal! A lot of times, my excuse for not getting some exercise, like going for walks & such was that if I go for a walk, I will have to take my kids with me & then won't be able to walk fast enough to make it productive. However, with this treadmill, which I have set up on our back patio, I can watch the kids play in the backyard & "go for a walk" at the same time!!!

I am really looking forward to doing this. It is a big step for me. I will weigh in tomorrow morning & then the journey shall begin!!!

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥

First Step ...

Hello ~

After having conversations with friends & also viewing friends blogs about this same thing, I have decided that this will be a great tool in my journey to lose weight. I am hoping to be very successful during this journey. I will try to post at least once a week.

Recently, I purchased a treadmill at a yard sale. It is practically brand now. And after doing some research, I found that retail price for this treadmill is $600! And at the yard sale, I paid only $60!!! A great deal! A lot of times, my excuse for not getting some exercise, like going for walks & such was that if I go for a walk, I will have to take my kids with me & then won't be able to walk fast enough to make it productive. However, with this treadmill, which I have set up on our back patio, I can watch the kids play in the backyard & "go for a walk" at the same time!!!

I am really looking forward to doing this. It is a big step for me. I will weigh in tomorrow morning & then the journey shall begin!!!

Until Next Time,
♥ Margie ♥